

Coming Up

Coming Up

Available Games

  • March Madness Brackets
  • Pick X

Upcoming Games

  • Sweet 16 Brackets
  • Baseball Over/Under - MLB
  • Masters Survivor – Golf
  • Majors Challenge – Golf
  • Frozen Four – NCAA Hockey
  • Stanley Cup Playoff Bracket – NHL
  • Hoops Playoff Bracket – NBA
  • World Cup Pool – FIFA
  • Football, football, football...

Another Helping Sir...

Another Helping Sir...

There is always more we can do to help you administer your favorite pool.  Is it a different sport or event or rule/scoring combination?

Drop us suggestions at [email protected] and hopefully sometime in the near future you will be enjoying your pool with us without all the headache and hassle of managing it yourself.


March Madness Brackets
The game you know and love. Pick the brackets and score points when your teams advance. Tons of customization options.

Pick X
The beauty is in the simplicity of only picking a number of teams as determined by your Pool Admin (4, 6 is default or 8). Scoring is determined by seed value x round or straight seed value. Do you pick all favorites or all Cinderellas or do you mix it up?

Sweet16 Brackets
This is a condensed version of the March Madness Brackets game. You start with the remaining 16 teams and pick from there!

Baseball Over/Under
Using Vegas lines for over/under win totals for each MLB team you assign “confidence points” to each one of your 30 selections. Fun season prediction format.

Masters Survivor
Pick a roster of players (size determined by Pool Admin – default is five) for The Masters at Augusta National. Each player has to make the tournament cut or you are eliminated. Low team stroke total at the end of the tournament wins!

Majors Challenge
Pick a roster of players (size determined by Pool Admin – default is four) for each Major of the year. Masters, US Open, Open Championship and PGA Championship. You can’t pick the same player twice so choose wisely! Most accumulated earnings at the end wins.

Frozen Four Tournament
Pick the NCAA Men’s Hockey Tournament. Four regions of four teams each play to determine a winner. Those four winners meet in the Frozen Four in Philadelphia on April 10th.

Stanley Cup Playoff Bracket
Pick the Stanley Cup Playoffs. Select the winning team in each series and the total games played. In the NHL they re-seed their playoff bracket so you will pick round-by-round to accumulate points. Most points wins!

NBA Playoff Bracket
Pick the NBA Playoffs. Select the winning team in each series and the total games played. Most points wins!

2014 FIFA World Cup Pool
The most iconic tournament in the world comes to RunMyPools in June 2014. Pick the Groups and the elimination rounds and win points. Most points wins!